How Covid-19 is affecting you

ACG Conveyors and the COVID-19, (or the Coronavirus)

We are continually monitoring this virus. American Conveyor Group, Inc., is committed to keeping our staff and visitors safe while at our facility and while supporting our partners and customers.

How Covid-19 affects you.

Our suppliers are sensibly adjusting to these pandemic conditions and this may affect product delivery schedules. Because Covid-19 worker infections can affect the availability of the manufacturer’s assembly line workers, assembly lines can be temporarily closed until workers are permitted to return to work, retarding estimated shipping dates

This “pandemic worker condition” is prevalent throughout the whole of the manufacturing industry. ACG Conveyors can acquire and ship conveyor equipment and parts as fast as they become available from all our manufacturing partners. We are dedicated to providing you with the best and fastest service. We are constantly monitoring and adjusting to the Covid-19 Pandemic as conditions change. We look forward to talking with you and helping you with all your conveyor needs.

Ronnie McCormick, President