Hytrol ProSort MRT90 Sortation Conveyor and ProSort MRT30
Hytrol ProSort MRT90° Medium Roller Transfer
The Model Hytrol ProSort MRT90 Sortation Conveyor is a sorter for medium-sized items. Product is transported on multiple narrow belts. Rollers pop up between the belts to transfer items at right angles to the sorter.
Hytrol ProSort MRT90 Sortation Conveyor Specifications:
- The Hytrol ProSort MRT90 transfers products at a 90° (or Right Angle)
- The Hytrol ProSort MRT90 transfers on two-sides
- The Hytrol ProSort MRT90 is capable of high sort rates
- Close Transfer Locations
- Flexible Sort Locations
- HyPower Distributed Cabling System
Download: Hytrol ProSort MRT90 Sortation Conveyor (Medium Roller Transfer)
Hytrol ProSort MRT30° Medium Roller Transfer
The Model Hytrol ProSort MRT30 is a sorter for medium-sized items. Product is transported on multiple narrow belts. Diverter wheels pop up between the belts to transfer items at 30° angles to the sorter.
- The Hytrol ProSort MRT30 transfers products at a 30° Angle
- The Hytrol ProSort MRT30 transfers on the Left or Right Hand
- The Hytrol ProSort MRT30 is capable of high sort rates
- Close Transfer Locations
- Flexible Sort Locations
- HyPower Distributed Cabling System
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The ProSort SRT Conveyor is a (Small Roller Transfer) Conveyor manufactured by Hytrol Conveyor Company. The ProSort SRT Conveyor is designed to handle and transfer small to medium-size items such as boxes, cartons, totes, etc. The minimum product size is 4 x 4 inches. Maximum product weight is 20 lbs. Maximum product length is 24 inches.
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