Medium Duty Plastic Belt Conveyor
Hytrol Model PSB Plastic Chain Belt Conveyor
Hytrol Model PSB Plastic Belt Conveyor utilizes modular plastic belting with a positive drive system that eliminates belt slippage and belt mistracking. Ideal for applications that require non-marking belts, air flow through the belt, and wet product conveying. Also excellent for packaging and stacks of printing conveying.
General Specifications:
- Bed: The UHMW on aluminum slider bars are mounted to frame spacers, and mounted in 7-1/2 ” x 12 ga. powder coat painted steel channel frame
- Conveyor Belt: Polypropylene 2″ pitch plastic belt
- Standard Belt Widths: 8″, 10″, 12″, 14″, 16″, 18″, 20″, 22″, 24″, 26″, 28″, 30″, 32″, 34″, 36″ & 38″
- Overall Frame Width: 12″, 14″, 16″, 18″, 20″, 22″, 24″, 26″, 28″, 30″, 32″, 34″, 36″, 38″, 40″ & 42″
- Motor: 1/2 HP 208/230/460/575/3/60 TEFC standard (up to 2 HP maximum)
- Conveying Speed: 65 Feet/minute (constant)
- Adjustable Floor Supports Available
- PSB Plastic Chain Belt Conveyor’s capacity: up to 300 lbs. distributed live load
Hytrol Model PSB Plastic Chain Belt Conveyor
Hytrol Model PSBC Plastic Chain Belt Conveyor Curve
(Medium Duty Plastic Belt Conveyor)
Hytrol Model PSBC Plastic Belt Conveyor Curve utilizes modular plastic belting with a positive drive system that eliminates belt slippage and mistracking. Ideal for conveying products that require no slippage as they convey through the curve, conveying small products not conveyable on live roller curves, non-marking of the product as it is being conveyed, and product that may require cooling while it is being conveyed.
General Specifications:
- Bed: UHMW on aluminum slider bars, mounted to frame spacers, mounted in 7-1/2 ” x 12 ga. powder coat painted formed steel channel frame
- Conveyor Belt: Polypropylene 2″ pitch plastic belt
- Standard Belt Widths: 12″, 18″ & 24″
- Overall Frame Width: 16″, 22″ & 28″
- Curve Degrees Available: 30, 45, 60 & 90 degrees
- Conveying Speed: 65 Feet/minute (constant)
- Motor: 1/2 HP 208/230/460/575/3/60 TEFC
- Capacity: 300 lbs. distributed live load
- Adjustable Floor Supports Available
Hytrol Model PSBC Plastic Chain Belt Conveyor Curve